• Makes sense

    Makes sense

    This news, that you read, it doesn’t make sense. And it’s not supposed to, at least for one can not decipher. A line of code like a word, is behind the eyes. And can what can you see? See, you can learn by reading and inside between the lies, there will it lie. Like this background for example: is an example. What is it actually? That is up to you. To help us, dressed up in summer clothes, and it might be a cold winter. But then when the wolf comes, so does a sheep. But this one is for my long time fans: I’ve decided to return the favor for all the times you have saved me, I will now be honoring what is allowed to serve by becoming a sum of money. It won’t come actually from me of course. But now that I’ve mentioned it, you will see . Or maybe you won’t since none of this makes any sense at all. I’m crazy? Ha, no you are crazy because you cam here and read all of that.

  • Holiday 2024

    Holiday 2024

    Holy wow I can’t believe it’s that time again because you know why when last week was just only starting back over again to a new year. 2025

  • Intersection


    I’ve put up different sections of the website which include: News, Image, Audio, Video, Nick Physick, and Vintage Gothic Network. There is also a menu at the top of this page indicated by a = for mobile and standard web links for desktops. Each section includes a donation box of $1, since I’ve received comments on how one can contribute to Saturn Nein.

  • He Knows Him

    He Knows Him

    Says he knows him but who is him anyways. Him could be anyone. Him could be your brother, your best friend, even that homeless man that hangs out at 7-11. Too many of him exist to even know which one of him is actually him. Him usually has a name except he doesn’t remember what his name was. He claims that him stole all the money when it was really he who blew it all on cocaine that one night. And what money, I mean really. Why are you carrying thousands of dollars in cash to a party? Put that shit in the bank. Does he know? I think he forgot. He forgot to mention that he lost the money, lost his mind, and maybe lost a few lives.

  • Elevator

    Elevators go up and down. The elevator that I stand is going up into my penthouse that overlooks the ocean. This house has many things but one thing that is does not have is rain. Every single day, here is the sun. The sun shines. The sun is my fun. And I can not complain in the rain anymore as I head out for another nice stroll on the boardwalk. Wouldn’t you like to walk with me in the sun?


    When you say I do not exist, I might be lost in the crowd or maybe I am standing right next to you. I see that many of us are hidden among the crowd and can not be easily noticd by your common grocery shopper. But that’s okay because there will be a sign that is posted which will indicate the location of these certain individuals. We have found you but have found the rest of us? This question will ponder in one man’s mind but the rest of us will always know where to go. And I will see you there too, ready to greet.

  • More Songs 4 U

    Yes you buddy. I’m still here and I’m still uploading even more quarterly tracks for the year 2023. Not much else going on at the moment. Hiding among crowds of people, still making music in a artificial dungeon. Maybe just maybe, someone might notice me. The tiny spec living on planet earth. Who still watches the stars in the sky? Beside you, right beside you.

  • Ocean Wava

    And there I was, standing on water. Getting splashed by another wave. When suddenly a plane landed in the water out of nowhere man. Yeah I was there. Anyways it was like the aliens were falling from the sky. And man that was a crazy summer let me tell you.

    Because I bought these nachos and that was a bad idea. You know what I mean man?

  • Hello


    I’m up here in who knows what? A spaceship. Kinda like a mansion in space. Then the other day the phone rang and he was saying stuff like help us because my back is hurting and you are the only one who can carry the milk. So I flew back and boy were those asteroid were smelling the damn room up, I had no choice but to eject somewhere over Earth. Now I am: here/ If you are receiving this message: Please respond by defending the human race. In this race there is no first place but you do wear a metal. Either under your shirt or on your wrist. Then you are one of us. We, I need your help as the alien have already arrived. They hide in the dark. But not all of darkness. There is a light and the water comes flowing in like waves from an ocean. Over and over.

  • Year 2023

    Year 2023

    It’s a new year and that means new media. As before I am releasing more content right now as you read this. So keep checking back in the month of January. I got something special lined up.

  • Oops

