Category: News

  • Elevator

    Elevators go up and down. The elevator that I stand is going up into my penthouse that overlooks the ocean. This house has many things but one thing that is does not have is rain. Every single day, here is the sun. The sun shines. The sun is my fun. And I can not complain…


    When you say I do not exist, I might be lost in the crowd or maybe I am standing right next to you. I see that many of us are hidden among the crowd and can not be easily noticd by your common grocery shopper. But that’s okay because there will be a sign that…

  • Year 2023

    Year 2023

    It’s a new year and that means new media. As before I am releasing more content right now as you read this. So keep checking back in the month of January. I got something special lined up.